Ornithomancy is the practice of divination from the flight and cries of birds. It was commonly practiced in Ancient Greece, and later in Rome, where it was called augury. Homer, Aeschylus, and Hesiod all mention ornithomancy in their writings. Ornithomancy can be done spontaneously, or as a formal divination practice. It is mainly practiced by observing the flight and colors of birds, but specific birds also have meaning to their sightings.
Interpreting Flight Flying horizontally indicates that you will ultimately reach your goal, but there will be hardship along the way. Flight from right to left indicates that you will reach your desired goal with little friction or problems. Flight from left to right indicates that there will be obstacles in your path, and that you may need to reevaluate your plans or ask for advice. A bird flying straight towards you indicates that your situation will improve, and fair fortune and happiness lies ahead. Flight that is both high and fast (or straight up) indicates quick and profound success. Hurried flight away from your current position indicates that you should continue with caution, or even delay your plans and regroup. Landing and taking off several times or erratic flight indicates a need for a change of plans due to unseen problems. Taking off but changing direction mid-flight indicates that flexibility will be needed, and a charge of heart or circumstances may lie ahead. Flying against the wind indicates a possible trickster in your life. Someone is not as they appear to be, and you may need to watch your back.
Interpreting Colors of Birds
Red is indicative of good luck.
Orange is indicative of excitement or happiness.
Yellow comes as a warning to watch your back and maintain your guard.
Green is indicative of a coming adventure.
Blue is indicative of love and happiness.
White is indicative of extreme happiness and is considered a good omen.
Gray indicates peace and contentment.
Black and white indicates that you will avoid coming trouble.
Brown indicates healing, fair health, or outside assistance.
Brown and white indicates a happy and peaceful home life.
Black birds come as a warning of unseen danger.
Interpreting Specific Species of Birds
Blackbirds are considered a good omen.
Bluebirds indicate happiness or spiritual awakening/progress.
Cardinals indicate life-altering events, or that taking extra care of your health may be needed.
Cranes indicate a need for wisdom in the near future.
Crows are usually considered a bad omen, and their cawing may mean that your enemies are actively working against you. Cawing three times, however, is a good omen, and a crow in flight is indicative of future travel.
Doves are indicative of fair fortune, peace, love, and happiness.
Ducks are indicative of stable relationships. A quacking duck is good luck.
Eagles usually foretell bad luck, but can also represent power and strength.
Gulls indicate a future need to travel.
Hawks, when flying above your position, indicate that you will soon have a victory.
Hummingbirds represent joy and prosperity.
Jays indicate a need for perseverance and strength in tough situations.
Magpies can indicate good or bad luck, depending on how many are seen, as in the rhyme "One for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl, four for a boy""
Owls hoot three times foretells a major change or impending death. All other appearances represent magic or wisdom.
Ravens, when seen before facing a challenge, indicate a victory.
Robins, when seen in the morning, may indicate that you will later have guests. Robins nesting near your home is good luck.
Sparrows indicate domestic peace, but one nesting near your window can indicate romantic troubles.
Woodpeckers indicate a future success in work.
Wrens are considered to be extremely lucky omens. Seeing one means an improvement in your current situations.